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New to the Explorer NTEP series is the EX4202N/E which measures up to 4,200 grams by 0.1 g (NTEP mode). It calibrates only using external test weights but is also availa...
Rice Lake TS Series tuning fork balances offer incredibly fast output and the ability to interface with a PC and other equipment is invaluable for creating compliance records ...
Fit the needs of almost any workplace by utilizing Ohaus Explorer's unique set of features including a display that can be separated from the base to fit your operational need...
Perform basic weighing, parts counting and percent weighing using the Ohaus PR4201/E digital 0.1 gram balance. It can determine the weight in grams, kilograms, carats, p...
NTEP Class II legal for trade Adventurer balance is certified for use selling in dispensaries where states accept 0.1 gram graduations. Certified units include ct, grain...