Price: $835.17 Max Capacity: 1,500 g Readability: 0.01 g Platform: 6.3 x 6.3" Tuning fork sensors provide fast and reliable weighing results when high performance is needed without all of the bells and whistles found in magnetic force restoration balanc... | Price: $972.76 Max Capacity: 2,200 g Readability: 0.01 g Platform: 6.3 x 6.3" Quality designed tuning fork balances from Intelligent Weighing Technology provide you with a cheaper alternative to electromagnetic balances while offering high performance w... | Price: $1,025.86 Max Capacity: 3,200 g Readability: 0.01 g Platform: 6.3" x 6.3" Precision balances typically are available in either tuning fork or with electromagnetic force restoration loadcells. Intell-Lab's ALE-3202N utilizes the tuning fork sen... | Price: $1,195.00 Max Capacity: 8,000 g Readability: 0.1 g Platform: 12.6" x 8.6" PH-Touch 8001 is a precision balance that has a touch screen digital display, ports for USB and RS232 connections, and below balance weighing underhook for calculating the wei... |
Price: $1,272.07 Max Capacity: 6,200 g Readability: 0.01 g Platform: 6.3 x 6.3" Legal for trade tuning fork type balance are an affordable option for providing accurate measurements to the nearest hundredth or tenth of a gram depending on your application... | Price: $1,295.00 Max Capacity: 16,000 g Readability: 0.1 g Platform: 12.6" x 8.6" Measure to the nearest tenth of a gram with Intell Lab's PH-Touch 16001 touch screen precision balance. It maxes out at 16,000 grams and has several different modes for ... | Price: $1,295.00 Max Capacity: 25,000 g Readability: 0.1 g Platform: 12.6" x 8.6" Measure to the nearest 0.1 gram with the high capacity Intell-Lab PH-Touch 25001 electronic precision balance. It now features a touch screen display and several differe... | Price: $1,395.00 Max Capacity: 32,000 g Readability: 0.1 g Platform: 12.6" x 8.6" PH-Touch 32001 is a high capacity precision balance that measures a tenth of a gram up to 32,000 grams with a minimum sample weight of 2 grams. It is loaded with applica... |