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Legal for trade tuning fork type balance are an affordable option for providing accurate measurements to the nearest hundredth or tenth of a gram depending on your application...
LF224R balance comes standard with below balance hook, internal calibration and USB/RS232 ports. It is a force restoration balance ideal for the laboratory and has funct...
Vibra tuning fork sensor on the Intell-Lab ALE-323N legal for trade balance offers high performance weighing on a scale designed to last for years. If your application d...
PH-Touch 32001 is a high capacity precision balance that measures a tenth of a gram up to 32,000 grams with a minimum sample weight of 2 grams. It is loaded with applica...
PM Series electronic balances are ideal for precision weighing in the laboratory when you need a balance that increments in mgs. Sliding glass doors make for easy access...
Quality designed tuning fork balances from Intelligent Weighing Technology provide you with a cheaper alternative to electromagnetic balances while offering high performance w...
High resolution lab balances from Intell-Lab have a dual range readability providing 0.01 milligram increments up to 92 grams and then it starts incrementing by 0.1 milligram....
Counting small parts is done most efficiently using a digital scale which determines the average piece weight of each part, and then divides the total weight by the APW for fa...