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Measure to the nearest 0.1 gram with the high capacity Intell-Lab PH-Touch 25001 electronic precision balance. It now features a touch screen display and several differe...
PM-100 milligram lab balance features glass draft shield and round 3 inch diameter weigh pan. It weighs in pounds, grams, carats, or ounces and can connect to printers v...
Measure up to 620 grams with an approved resolution capable of reading to the nearest 0.01 gram when used for commercial use. ALE-623N features a draft shield and use a ...
Intell-Lab's IDC-30 is a digital parts counter designed with ease of use being the highest priority.%nbsp; 3 LCD displays, RS232 interface and 99 PLUs are all standard feature...
Measure to the nearest tenth of a gram with Intell Lab's PH-Touch 16001 touch screen precision balance. It maxes out at 16,000 grams and has several different modes for ...
Tuning fork sensors provide fast and reliable weighing results when high performance is needed without all of the bells and whistles found in magnetic force restoration balanc...
Measure to the nearest 0.01 g when using the Intell-Lab ALE-223N for a legal for trade application otherwise this tuning fork balance can read to the nearest 1 milligram. ...
Advanced counting applications that require portability, fast stabilization time, RS232 connectivity and the ability to weigh parts 0.5 grams or greater are perfectly performe...